Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Good Day

Let me preface this post by saying that I'm not a fan of boasting and usually do not write things like this ( I am actually very uncomfortable talking about myself and my material possessions and feeling like I am boasting in any way) but yesterday was a good day and I know it was because of Him.  Because of that I thought I would share my good day with you!


It started when I picked up the tab for the car behind me in the coffee house drive-thru thanks to Ashley.  The feeling I got after doing this was completely exhilarating and I can only hope that the person behind me (I have no idea who they were) passed along that kindness to another stranger.

I have had a heavy heart regarding a ministry I am involved with at our church-not even sure that I wanted to keep pursuing it- and after weeks of prayer He finally answered me yesterday with great, great news!

The night before I went to a cash for gold party of a co-workers and turned in some old jewelry that had been collecting dust and walked a way with a nice chunk of money-which is very.much.needed!  I was so thankful to my friend and co-worker for inviting me. I also ended up booking my own party too!

We're switching over to a new database at work and yesterday I sat through 4 hours of offsite training- and it felt good to know everybody else was just as lost as I was :)

I got a  Enough said!

I made my very first batch of my dad's homemade meatball's and cooked them all day today in the crock pot so we will have a yummy dinner when I get home from work tonight!  There's a homey-ness (not a real word, I know I made it up!) feeling that comes over you when you are in the kitchen cooking recipes for your own family that your parents used to cook for you.

I have started reading Kisses from Katie and this book has been such an eye opener.  In two words: its phenomenal and moving.  Because of this book that I at times have struggled to get through because it is emotionally exhausting and physically could not see as a result of the tears welling up in my eyes I have felt so inspired to have less so others can have more, and hope to soon have a talk with my husband to move forward with some of my ideas.  I'll keep you posted on that one!

With three kids, a full time job, and a husband who works the complete opposite shift as I do days like this are few and far between so I have to take them while I can get them!  Yesterday was a good day because of Him.

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