Friday, January 25, 2013

A little of my Friday night

This post comes to you from my bathtub. Yup that's right I said it. I'm blogging from the bathtub :) in fact I think every blogger should try it and with today's technological advances why not?!

And now on a more serious note...
I'm not sure exactly what I want to come across in this blog post but I am going to try my very best to get my ideas out as clearly as possible.

When I first got back into blogging I wasn't working 45+ hours a week, in fact I wasn't working at all. This past month being back at work full time has really taken most of my energy. It's not just my blog that has been suffering ( as I'm sure you can tell) but its also my kids, family, and social life. I don't want to become one of those parents who is never present for their children, and I've noticed myself slipping into that pattern lately and I don't like it at all. I need to make the most of the time I have with my babies while they are still babies...

And sometimes I am so torn. I tell myself I have a really great idea to blog about, sometimes I even write that great idea down but then 99% of the time it doesn't go any further and that frustrates me! I really wish I had the luxury of sitting down at 11 pm or midnight and busting out a really great blog but that's just NOT me. For starters I am more of a morning person :) and I'd hate I just write a post for the heck of hitting the publish button, ya know? This space is MINE... And as a wife and momma to 3 I don't get very much stuff so I want it to shine and be the best spot this little blog can be!

So I guess 1/2 of me is apologizing for leaving those of you who still follow hanging with posts that have become few and far between. The other 1/2 of me doesn't know what is going to become of my space. And that worries me. I know how much joy blogging brings me, and I want you to know how much I appreciate each and every one of you and your comments! I love getting comments from you so please please keep them coming! My love language is Affirmation, if you couldn't tell ;)

But what I DON'T want is for this to start to feel like work. I want to know that I have the freedom to come and go, and still have a steady readership. I want to know that even though I'm not posting 5+ posts a week like most bloggers, that I am more concerned over quality rather than quantity.
I want to make an impact.
I want to make a difference in the lives of my readers even if it is just one of you.
I want to know that I am serving Him and that this little blog of mine has a purpose.

There are many times during the day when I am influenced by my surroundings, my co workers, friends, family, and environments. I am going to be more proactive and am going to start to make more of an effort to write down the ways I am moved, and impacted throughout my days.

But for right now I am just thankful to be able to do this. I am thankful for having the guts to put mine and my family's life out there. It isn't always easy, but it's always worth it! You can quote me on that folks :) so yea you may have already figured out and taken note that my posts are more scattered and less of, but I promise you I'm not leaving. I am going to ride this thing out and keep on blogging!

And now, I think I'll get back to my bubble bath thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erica, I so identify with this post!! When I was working 50+ hours a week and training for s marathon my blog totally went to the wayside! I wanted it to still be a fun place for me to share but it started feeling like a burden. I felt guilty if I wasnt posting yet my posts were just a mess. I am so glad you got a nice bath:) I just want you to know how grateful I am for you!! Thank you friend!!!


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