Friday, October 26, 2012

Remember that time when I was on TV...

I'm foregoing Fun Friday this week to tell you a story that I guarantee to be hilarious!
It involve's the saying below...

Apparently I didn't get this memo above.
I'll explain...
You see I already have a husband so I'm not out looking to meet my Mr. Right, and I've got three small kids so sweatpants have kind of become a fashion statement in my life along with stained t-shirts and messy hair!
My hair is never done, and makeup only goes on if I have a pre-planned event for the day lol!
Which brings me to my most recent embarrassing story.
Ready?  Here we go!
Remember that time I left the house to run to the post office?
You know just a quick trip to mail a letter...completely innocent!
So I hopped in the car still dressed in my physical therapy outfit {aka} sweats, a t-shirt, no makeup, and messy, messy hair.
Just a quick trip to mail a letter- I didn't even think twice.
Lo and behold we pull up to said post office and there is the local news station with their cameras out and ready for an interview because our local post office is closing.
As I walk up they began to approach me and ask how I felt about this branch closing.
I didn't even know they were closing but managed to spout off my feelings on this topic then got back into the car with my husband.
That's when the hyperventilation and panicking began.
No makeup.
Eyebrows NOT done... in like weeks-eek!
Messy, frizzy, windblown hair, not even a swipe of chap stick or dab of lip gloss people.
I mean come on!
Remember when you were little and your mom told you to always leave the house looking your best because you never know who you might run into?
Well played mom, well played.
On the plus size my kids think I am now some sort of celebrity :)
I swear this stuff could only happen to me!

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